
Maria Rogl

Invitation to the Reichsparteitag
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
Red dressed all pages, yes, yes, all dressed in red, pages, yes, yes, there have been four, and the front are then separated and then we have seen .. I thought aha now he comes. Then he came in the Hitler, with his whole team. Since they are behind and beside me there. In the middle, he is sitting down. I was sitting, right and left were Sudeten Germans. As we sat. Who were all that I can not remember everything. Behind us all bodyguard was standing. The Hitler alone has had a waiter. Well, my God, that was nice everything. But I have something .. I can not imagine anything really, I only know that he asked me, he does not have much, he has not talked much, he has not spoken. But I know that he asked me, somehow, the little things. It is good that I of our brothers and sisters at home'm the oldest was and I was at that time, seventeen, eighteen, one is actually a bit cheeky and a bit of doing to listen like you, and some look, now I have known only as small parts. Since Adolf Hitler asked me how to do it from where I am. I am a farmer's daughter and I have parents, everything. Afterward he said, if I know .. as in my village where I'm at home in East Tyrol, as the people are there set to Adolf Hitler and what belongs to us now. Then I just said that I know well because my father is a big Nazi, I said. And afterwards he just said he invites me to drive you to the Nazi Party in Nuremberg. The Nazi Party in Nuremberg is at so and so the passes September. In April we were down with him. In September, the Nazi Party, becoming the first major Nuremberg and to which I shall be invited. I have no idea ghabt what the Nazi Party, no, no clue!